Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Module 7: AT and ACC

Personally, for me this week's module was really confusing. I tried to begin it during the weekend and I just couldn't grasp the idea or concept of what I was suppose to do. Eventually, with the help of classmates as well as the professor I was able to get a better insight and complete the task given. When thinking about utilizing this in my future classroom, I don't think I would use it without knowing it's easy to navigate. I think this way for the simple fact that I personally had problems and I can only imagine how confusing it would be for my students. Although, I didn't like this webquest I do love the idea of student's having a safe way to find information on a teacher made guided web search. It helps diminish the idea of students receiving false information as well as abusing the web inappropriately. In my future classroom, I would use it to help contribute technology into the classroom but the process in which and how website are found would be a lot simpler. Especially because I would be dealing with students with special needs who possibly may not grasp the concept immediately, like myself. The webquest would most likely be utilized during group research so if one child doesn't get the process another can help describe and explain how to use it. As well as this enables the students to watch over each other making sure everyone stays on task.

Being that I didn't have a lot of previous knowledge about AAC and Assistive Technology, the websites on this webquest was actually very informative. The webquest really opened my eyes to how many ways we can help students struggling and possible make life-lasting solutions so they won't struggle as much anymore. Accommodations such as the alphabet book and the enabling devices help give a voice and a way of communication that people not disabled take advantage of. With these devices student are able interact, be apart of school clubs, and promote self acceptance and self-worth. The webquest also taught me about the many laws that defend these students, so they will never be misused and taken for granted.


  1. I agree with the WebQuest we did this week. It was very confusing at first, i really had to stop and put full focus on it. I've done them before in other classes and even made some for students. I think it is a great tool for the classroom as long as its properly introduced. I think the fact that this is a strictly online class didn't help getting the directions across. I also liked all the articles about AAC and Assistive Technology. They were all really informative.

  2. Sorry to hear that this tool was confusing to you. I think that given a bit more opportunity to try it and practice, it might be more useful to you. I'm glad to hear that you found some of the info, informative, however--which is the ultimate goal.
