Monday, October 21, 2013

Google Docs

I think I fell in love with Google Docs. At first I was a bit confused on how this would be used to collaborate with other people, but when I signed on and saw a fellow group member writing on the document the same time I was I was blown away. Personally, after the last few modules I feel like I am already outdated on the technological advances.

In the future, I can see myself using Google Docs mainly for homework in math. I in-vision myself assigning groups and each group would work collectively to answer the question and label their names on where each person completed their work. This would be an opportunity to both test their knowledge and help teach each other different ways of solving a problem.


  1. I agree that is was really neat to be able to see another person type as I typed. We were able to ask each other questions like instant messaging right on the same document we were working on and then simply delete them. It just seems like it could get a little confusing, especially for students with disabilities.
    I never thought to use it for collaborative math homework. That's a great idea! Each student could get a similar problem so they could see other students' sample work. I like the idea of labeling their work with their name or even using a different color or font.

  2. It sounds like it is an interesting tool. I'm sure that with more practice with it could be really beneficial in the classroom. I think it would spark interest in a wide demographic of students. Students generally like working with new technologies.

  3. It is great to see that you found a tool that you will use not only for yourself, but one that might help your students some day. There are so many uses...we can only begin to imagine!
